Sunday, December 28, 2014

Pray by the Crib like one of the characters in the scene

Pray by the Crib like one of the characters in the scene

Pray by the Crib like one of the characters in the scene

rezar+junto+al+belen ENGLISH

“My advice is that, in your prayer, you actually take part in the different scenes of the Gospel, as one more among the people present. First of all, imagine the scene or mystery you have chosen to help you recollect your thoughts and meditate. Next apply your mind, concentrating on the particular aspect of the Master’s life you are considering — his merciful Heart, his humility, his purity, the way he fulfils his Father’s Will”.
Friends of God, 253
To contemplate the Birth of Jesus, you can download passages by St. Josemaría, in pdfepub and kindle.

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