Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Francis: The Pope from the New World - Documentary “Francis: The Pope from the New World”


Francis: The Pope From the New World traces the remarkable rise of Jorge Mario Bergoglio who has become the first pope from the Americas, the first pope who is a Jesuit, and the first to take the name Francis. The hour-long program features interviews from around the world, with close friends, fellow priests, co-workers, his biographer, and the poor of Buenos Aires. Most of the interviews and much of the film were shot on location in Argentina.

“This documentary arrives as the world realizes that a very special man has assumed the leadership of the Catholic Church, and this begins — but does not end — with his gestures of humility and care for everyone,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, one of the documentary’s executive producers. “Still, what remain largely unknown to the public are many details of Pope Francis’ life, the work he has done and the ways in which he has defended the voiceless and Catholic principles. This documentary delves into those stories.”


Please pray for Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to the Philippines this January!




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