Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014 - Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas 2014 - Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas 2014 greeting card–o–o–o–o–o–
Merry Christmas!

“Every time Christmas comes around, I love to look at representations of the child Jesus. Statues and pictures which show a God who lowered himself remind me that God is calling us. The Almighty wants us to know that he is defenseless, that he needs men’s help. From the cradle at Bethlehem, Christ tells you and me that he needs us. He urges us to live a christian life to the full — a life of self-sacrifice, work and joy.” (Christ Is Passing By 18, 1)

Taken from the selection of Christmas quotes/lines from the writings of St Josemaría Escrivá.


*Image of the Nativity Scene on the ‘greeting card’ above is used with permission from Colegio Irabia-Izaga (school in Pamplona) – first prize winner, 8th Family Belen Contest.

To Colegio Irabia-Izaga: congratulations on your 50th year anniversary!!!


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