Thursday, December 25, 2014

Marian Year for the Family

On December 28, 2014, a Marian year for the family will begin in Opus Dei, to pray to our Lady for all the families in the world.

Marian Year of the Family–o–o–o–o–o–

The Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, has convoked a Marian year that will begin on December 28 to pray for families. This date is the liturgical feast of the Holy Family. The Marian year will end on the same feast day in 2015, which will be held on December 27.

The Prelate said that the aim of this year is “to place in our Lady’s hands all the needs of the Church and of mankind, and to follow faithfully the Pope’s intentions.”

He has extended this invitation to all those who receive Christian formation through activities organized by the Prelature.

Among other possible ways to live this Marian year, the Prelates suggests praying as a family and with special devotion the traditional prayers dedicated to the Mother of God, such as the Rosary and the Angelus. “Through our Lady,” Bishop Echevarría said, “our Lord will pour forth abundant graces for the Church and for society.”


“Jesus chose to be born in a pious and hard-working Jewish family”

On Wednesday December 17, his 78th birthday, Pope Francis began a series of general audiences on the topic of the family.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!
The Synod of Bishops on the Family just held was the first stage of a journey, which will end next October with the holding of another Assembly on the theme “The Family’s Vocation and Mission in the Church and in the World.” The prayer and reflection that must accompany this journey involves the whole People of God. I would also like the usual meditations of the Wednesday Audiences to be inserted in this common journey. Therefore, I have decided to reflect this year with you precisely on the family, on this great gift that the Lord has made to the world since the beginning, when He conferred on Adam and Eve the mission to multiply and fill the earth (Cf.Genesis 1:28) — that gift that Jesus has confirmed and sealed in his Gospel.

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