Sunday, December 28, 2014

Journal of Polian Studies - maiden issue

My Polo paper has just gotten published in the maiden issue of Journal of Polian Studies! DEO GRATIAS! LAUS DEO!

Journal of Polian Studies - Vol1-2014–o–o–o–o–o–

The Journal of Polian Studies aims to encourage scientific cooperation and communication between researchers and academics concerning important themes of anthropology, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge. The Journal of Polian Studies focuses on and is inspired by Leonardo Polo’s profound, wide-ranging and original philosophical proposals. Our principal aim is to publish articles that are models of interdisciplinary work and scientific accuracy, thus allowing readers to keep abreast of the central issues and problems of contemporary philosophy.

Who was Leonardo Polo?


What was his philosophy all about?

It is not possible to describe completely Polo’s philosophical proposal in a brief blog like this, but I summarized it in a slide presentation, HERE.

Polo scholars have come to call his philosophical proposal “transcendental anthropology”, given that ―using the method of abandonment of the mental limit― he made available 4 great themes in relation to man: on the one hand, the act of being and essence that lie outside the mind, and on the other hand, the act of being and essence of the human being. As can be seen, the abandonment of the mental limit leads us to go deep into the real distinction between being and essence vis-à-vis that proposed by Thomas Aquinas for created beings. Effectively, Polian literature does not study act of being in a manner parallel to the act of being of the universe, because the latter belongs to metaphysics, whereas Polo’s interest is strictly with anthropology.

(His thought is, nevertheless, not limited to philosophical anthropology, as his works cover a wide range of fields including psychology, neuroscience, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, social ethics, political economy, and economic theory, among others. In any case, we can say that Polo’s methodological proposal for philosophy is meta-theoretic.)

Having distinguished between act of being in metaphysics and act of being in anthropology, Polo’s works then proposes 4 “anthropological transcendentals”, namely:

  • 1) Personal Co-existence

  • 2) Personal Freedom

  • 3) Personal Intellect/Knowing, &

  • 4) Transcendental Love (Self-Gift ).


My paper is entitled “The leader as friend: Implications of Leonardo Polo’s Friendship in Aristotle for humanistic corporate governance” (Abstract shared below):


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