Thursday, November 27, 2014

Prelate's Trip to Russia

Prelate's Trip to Russia

In Moscow's Cathedral, Bishop Javier Echevarría and the Archbishop of Moscow, Paul Pezzi, celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo.
Attending the Mass were many faithful who take part in the means of formation offered by Opus Dei. The Archbishop of Moscow also blessed an icon with an image of Blessed Alvaro. At the end of the Mass, the faithful had the opportunity to venerate a relic of the first successor of Saint Josemaria.
At the beginning of the Mass, the Archbishop thanked Bishop Javier Echevarría for his visit to Moscow and also expressed his thanks for the efforts of the faithful of the Prelature in his diocese. "The apostolic work that the people of Opus Dei are carrying out in Moscow and Saint Petersburg," the Archbishop said, "is quite beautiful and constructive for the diocese."

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