Thursday, November 27, 2014

Family Synod closes; Oct 22 Feast of St John Paul II

Synod closes; Oct 22 Feast of St John Paul II

The Third Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on marriage and family life concluded this weekend, with Pope Francis praising the two-week meeting for its “spirit of collegiality and of synodality” and participants agreeing to all but the most contentious issues in a final report.

At the end of the fifteenth and final general congregation, and after the votes had been cast, Pope Francis addressed the Synod Fathers, affirming that during these two weeks the participants in the Third Extraordinary General Assembly have truly experienced synodality, a path of solidarity, a “journey together”. However, Pope Francis observed, as in every journey there were moments of travelling smoothly and swiftly, as if wishing to conquer time and reach the goal as soon as possible, and moments of fatigue, of wanting to say “enough”, and at other times, moments of enthusiasm and ardour. There were moments of profound consolation listening to the testimony of true pastors, who wisely carry in their hearts the joys and pains of the faithful; moments of consolation, grace and comfort hearing the testimonies of the families who have participated in the Synod and have shared with us the beauty and joy of married life. It is a journey during which the stronger are compelled to help those who are less strong, and the more experienced lend themselves to serve others, also through debate.
  • For the Vatican’s provisional translation of Pope Francis’ speech at the end of the Synod, click HERE.

Since his Canonization last April 27, 2014, we celebrate for the first time St Pope John Paul II’s feast day today, October 22nd. Among other places/websites, EWTN is featuring several programs on John Paul II (e.g., those listed on the banner above).

John Paul II: We Love You! Juan Pablo Segundo: ¡te quiere todo el mundo!


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