Thursday, November 27, 2014

Leonardo Polo Conference, IESE Madrid, Sept. 29, 2014

Leonardo Polo Institute Conference "Spirits in Time" 2014 and Journal of Polian Studies

The International Conference “Spirits in Time: Person, Action, and Culture in Leonardo Polo’s Ethics was held successfully last September 29, 2014 at the IESE Business School in Madrid.
You can find photos HERE.
The Abstracts of the papers presented can be found HERE.
It is hoped that all –or most– of the papers presented in that conference can get published in the maiden issue of the JOURNAL OF POLIAN STUDIES this November 2014.
The Journal of Polian Studies aims to be a tool of encouragement for scientific cooperation and communication between researchers and professors towards the major themes of anthropology, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge. The Journal of Polian Studies focuses on and takes inspiration from the deep, extensive, and original philosophical proposal of Leonardo Polo. Our principal aim is to publish articles that are models of interdisciplinary work and scientific accuracy allowing the readers to keep abreast of the central issues and problems of contemporary philosophy.
Check HERE for the Editorial Board and Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal.
My paper was on “The leader as friend: Implications of Leonardo Polo’s Friendship in Aristotle for humanistic corporate governance.” The original proposal can be found HERE.
I ask for prayers so that, with revisions/rework, it can find its way into the maiden issue of the Journal of Polian Studies.
For the original Spanish-language Journal Studia Poliana, click HERE.
For the online works related to the Spanish-language Leonardo Polo Institute of Philosophical Studies, click HERE.

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