Thursday, November 27, 2014

CADA VIDA IMPORTA! Pro-life rally in Spain last November 22nd

22November –  Cada Vida Importa – Pro-life rally in Spain

Cada Vida Importa 22N

“22N [22 November 2014] CADA VIDA IMPORTA [Every Life Counts!]“.

22N was an historic occasion for prolifers to ensure that the abortion debate will never be erased from Spanish people’s minds and consciences. We want existing pro-abortion laws OUT! We will continue to insist on the repeal of presently existing pro-abortion laws! We shall continue to rally so that politicians will listen to our pleas for life in the womb and for the rights of pregnant women! This is the hour of our responsibility! This is civil society’s hour! 


You might wish to follow the Foro de la Familia Web site for updates and proceedings.

Cada Vida Importa ForoFamilia screenshot

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