Thursday, November 27, 2014

Humanistic Management

Humanistic Management


Advocates of Humanistic Management desire that human dignity be defended in the face of its vulnerability. The dignity of the human being lies in its capacity to define autonomously the purpose of its existence. Because human autonomy realizes itself through social cooperation, economic relations and business activities can either foster or obstruct human life and well-being. Against the widespread objectification of human subjects into human resources, against the common instrumentalization of human beings into human capital and a mere means for profit, Humanistic Management advocates uphold humanity as the ultimate end and principle of all economic activity.

The fundamental reason why humanistic management is beneficial to all stakeholders is that it has a profoundly liberating effect on a company and, consequently, on all – internal as well as external – stakeholders. Humanistic management means getting the priorities right from the outset and emancipating the company, firstly, from the restraints of a one-dimensional goal set – profit maximization – and, secondly, from the permanent apprehension of being exposed to the harsh public response that may follow losses of legitimacy. Through this, humanistic management helps enterprises emancipate themselves, allowing for a more comprehensive self perception that reshapes the organization’s role in society. Humanistic management helps companies think and act as corporate citizens one would want in one’s community.
For further details, follow and bookmark:

In this 2014 article, my friend Michael Pirson, the director of Fordham’s Center for Humanistic Management and Ernst Von Kimakowitz develop the consequences of the humanistic view for the theory and practice of the firm with regard to global sustainability. They examine paradigmatic differences regarding business strategy, governance structures, leadership styles, and organizational culture, and illustrate them based on global case examples…


One of the many projects of the Humanistic Management Network is to churn out publications (books, journal articles, research papers, etc). The above image shows only some of the many that have been published and are forthcoming.


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