Thursday, November 27, 2014

Leonardo Polo’s Transcendental Anthropology

Leonardo Polo’s Transcendental Anthropology


I’ve developed a “summary/simplified” slide presentation on Leonardo Polo’s ‘Transcendental Anthropology’, here:


Important Leonardo Polo sites on the Web:


Pope addresses European Parliament

Pope Francis: Address to the Council of Europe

Pope to European Parliament–o–o–o–o–o–
Pope Francis on Tuesday called on Europe’s leaders to work diligently and continuously for creative solutions to divisions and conflict for a peaceful continent.  In a wide-ranging speech to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, Pope Francis observed that “peace continues all too often to be violated” in many parts of the world where conflicts “continue to fester.” Tensions also continue to exist on the European continent, the Pope noted, which “yearns for peace but which so easily falls back into the temptations of the past.”
Welcoming Pope Francis, President Schulz pointed out that Pope Francis’s words have tremendous significance, not only because he is a religious leader, but because they speak to all of us, of themes that concern all of us: “they are universal – he said – and provide a guide at a time of lack of leadership, reminding us we have a common task and that we are stronger united than taken separately”. And in the two discourses in which the most recurrent words and concepts were “democracy”, “human rights” and “rule of law”, Pope Francis also spoke of the Church as being – in Pope Paul VI’s words  – an expert in humanity; he spoke of the legacy of Christianity in the social and cultural formation of the continent and of the contribution it desires to offer today and in the future; he reminded members of the Council of Europe that European bishops have an essential contribution to make. 

Pope coming to Philly!

Pope coming to Philadelphia for World Meeting of Families, September 2015!

WMF Pope coming

The WMF2015 organizers are excited to share that they have received official confirmation that the Holy Father will be joining us in Philadelphia in September 2015 for the World Meeting of Families! We look forward to welcoming Pope Francis not only to Philadelphia for the first time, but to the U.S!

For official Press Release, click HERE.


7th St Josemaria Symposium in Jaén – November 21-22, 2014

7th St Josemaria Symposium in Jaén – November 21-22, 2014

Around 400 people participated in the 7th St Josemaría Symposium held in Jaén from 21 to 22 November, bearing the theme “New Venues for Freedom: Christians in the 21st Century.” It opened with the Mayor of Jaén, José Enrique Fernández de Moya, calling on all to act with freedom and effort in public life so that we can recover respect, honesty, integrity, and trust. In his turn, the Supreme Court Justice, José Luis Requero, pointed to the need to recover that sense of citizenship especially in these crisis situations our society is going through… Antonio Guillén, President of the Catalina Mir Foundation, organizer of the Symposium, opened the first day with a warm greeting, after the inauguration of an Exhibit on Blessed Álvaro del Portillo done by the Vicar General of Opus Dei, Javier Palos, who insisted on the idea that we ought to be in close contact with those who suffer.

On 22 November, the immediate past President of Red Madre [“Motherhood Network”], Carmina G Valdés, (who sent a video message, as she couldn’t be present because of her attendance at the very important CADA VIDA IMPORTA pro-life rally), said that, unfortunately today, “motherhood is suffering adverse consequences”. She decried the fact that 50 million euros are funding abortions, while there is no funding for pregnant women…
St Josemaría Symposium Award:
The “Ask Me For The Moon” Association (see photo), made up of nurses, nursing assistants, and parents of children in the Onco-Hematology Unit of the Children’s Hospital of Jaén, received the 7th St Josemaría Symposium Prize. The Association was initiated on 2 October 2012 by Marisol Escribano Olmo who, after being many years in the Unit as a nurse, has always tried to give the kids their dreams no matter how hard. With the Theme “Ask me for the moon, and I will try to get it to you for as long as your dreams come true,” the group has programs of activities both outside the hospital and within, whose aim is to reduce the anxiety and increase the confidence/esteem of both children and their families and make their hospital stay more bearable.7Simposio-premio
The second day of the Symposium began with the talk “Spreading the message of sanctity in the world”, by José Luis G-Gullón, researcher with the Instituto Histórico San Josemaría, where he reviewed the history of Opus Dei giving data, info, stories, photos which have not been hitherto made public, from the 1930s to the subsequent expansion. Then there followed talks by: Montserrat Martorell, director of Fundación Pineda, Fashion; Pablo Moreno on “Film and Freedom” through the movie ‘Un Dios prohibido’, a film about love and forgiveness, which changed the lives of all those working on it, including his own; Jerónimo Martín on “The teachings of St Josemaría in contemporary film”. Talks by Joaquín de los Ríos, coordinator for ‘May Feelings’; and by Jack Valero, head of Catholic Voices (, among others, likewise followed.
7Simposio_JM-3 speakers

The Vicar General of the Episcopate of Jaén, Bishop Francisco Juan Martínez Rojas, putt he Symposium to a close, saying, in his talk “Holiness and daily life in the message of St Josemaría”, that the “greatness of Christian life is in the daily affairs, in the most simple things. … transforming the earth with our work and effort, with our commitment and contemplation,… sometimes without the noise of words, keeping silent and with a glance is sometimes enough.”


Humanistic Management

Humanistic Management


Advocates of Humanistic Management desire that human dignity be defended in the face of its vulnerability. The dignity of the human being lies in its capacity to define autonomously the purpose of its existence. Because human autonomy realizes itself through social cooperation, economic relations and business activities can either foster or obstruct human life and well-being. Against the widespread objectification of human subjects into human resources, against the common instrumentalization of human beings into human capital and a mere means for profit, Humanistic Management advocates uphold humanity as the ultimate end and principle of all economic activity.

The fundamental reason why humanistic management is beneficial to all stakeholders is that it has a profoundly liberating effect on a company and, consequently, on all – internal as well as external – stakeholders. Humanistic management means getting the priorities right from the outset and emancipating the company, firstly, from the restraints of a one-dimensional goal set – profit maximization – and, secondly, from the permanent apprehension of being exposed to the harsh public response that may follow losses of legitimacy. Through this, humanistic management helps enterprises emancipate themselves, allowing for a more comprehensive self perception that reshapes the organization’s role in society. Humanistic management helps companies think and act as corporate citizens one would want in one’s community.
For further details, follow and bookmark:

In this 2014 article, my friend Michael Pirson, the director of Fordham’s Center for Humanistic Management and Ernst Von Kimakowitz develop the consequences of the humanistic view for the theory and practice of the firm with regard to global sustainability. They examine paradigmatic differences regarding business strategy, governance structures, leadership styles, and organizational culture, and illustrate them based on global case examples…


One of the many projects of the Humanistic Management Network is to churn out publications (books, journal articles, research papers, etc). The above image shows only some of the many that have been published and are forthcoming.


Colloquium “Humanum: The Complementarity of Man and Woman” in Rome

Colloquium “Humanum: The Complementarity of Man and Woman” in Rome

The Holy Father began his address by dwelling on the word “complementarity”: “a precious word, with multiple meanings.” Although complementarity can refer “situations where one of two things adds to, completes, or fulfills a lack in the other” it also means much more than that. Christians, he said, “find its deepest meaning in the first Letter to the Corinthians where Saint Paul tells us that the Spirit has endowed each of us with different gifts so that-just as the human body’s members work together for the good of the whole-everyone’s gifts can work together for the benefit of each.” …
Some 300 participants are meeting November 17th through 19th in the Synod Hall at the Vatican. Speeches are interspersed with powerful videos that illustrate particular themes linked to marriage and family as a lived reality for most people across the planet.
In his short address opening the conference, Pope Francis described marriage as “a unique, natural, fundamental and beautiful good for persons, communities, and whole societies” and said children had a right to grow up with a father and a mother.
Among those addressing the conference is the former Chief Rabbi of the UK and the Commonwealth, Jonathan Sacks, who noted that in Britain there will soon be more than 50% of all children born outside of marriage…. The result of the decline in stable, two parent families, Rabbi Sachs says, is a rise among young people in eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, suicide attempts and other stress-related symptoms. Three million children are living in an affluent society in this new form of poverty of the single parent family and it’s women who are bearing the brunt because they are the heads of 92% of those families. …
Rabbi Lord Sacks served as the chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth. He is currently the Ingeborg and Ira Rennert Global Distinguished Professor of Judaic Thought at New York University and the Kressel and Ephrat Family University Professor of Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University. He has also been appointed as Professor of Law, Ethics and the Bible at King’s College, London.
Rabbi Lord Sacks’ address received a standing ovation from the colloquium’s 350 participants. The FULL TEXT of his address can be found HERE.


CADA VIDA IMPORTA! Pro-life rally in Spain last November 22nd

22November –  Cada Vida Importa – Pro-life rally in Spain

Cada Vida Importa 22N

“22N [22 November 2014] CADA VIDA IMPORTA [Every Life Counts!]“.

22N was an historic occasion for prolifers to ensure that the abortion debate will never be erased from Spanish people’s minds and consciences. We want existing pro-abortion laws OUT! We will continue to insist on the repeal of presently existing pro-abortion laws! We shall continue to rally so that politicians will listen to our pleas for life in the womb and for the rights of pregnant women! This is the hour of our responsibility! This is civil society’s hour! 


You might wish to follow the Foro de la Familia Web site for updates and proceedings.

Cada Vida Importa ForoFamilia screenshot

World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015

World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 – Registration now open and Plenary Speakers & Content announced!

Baltimore, MD (November 10, 2014) - In remarks offered today at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Fall Assembly, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. announced that registration for the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, which is being held September 22-25, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA, is now officially open. …
…Leading the program are keynote addresses from Father Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, Rector of Mundelein Seminary, and host of CATHOLICISM; His EminenceSeán Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston; Helen Alvaré, Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law; Dr. Juan Francisco de la Guardia Brin andGabriela N. de la Guardia, renowned Panamanian doctors; His Eminence, Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle, Archbishop of Manila; and His Eminence, Robert Cardinal Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”, Archbishop Emeritus of Conakry, Guinea.


WMF2015 on Twitter

WMF2015 on YouTube


32 New Deacons, from 14 Countries

32 New Deacons, from 14 Countries

The Prelate, on November 8th, ordained 32 Deacons. The ceremony took place at the Basilica of St Eugene in Rome, beginning at 16.00 hours (Rome time). The new Deacons come from 14 countries: Spain, Poland, Chile, Ecuador, USA, Nigeria, Mexico, Taiwan, Kenya, Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, Austria and Argentina.

Something special about this ordination: 2 brothers, Álex & Carles Ayxelá, hailing from Girona, got ordained together [photo below].

Prelate will ordain 32 deacons Nov. 8

For more details, read HERE.


Prelate's Trip to Russia

Prelate's Trip to Russia

In Moscow's Cathedral, Bishop Javier Echevarría and the Archbishop of Moscow, Paul Pezzi, celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo.
Attending the Mass were many faithful who take part in the means of formation offered by Opus Dei. The Archbishop of Moscow also blessed an icon with an image of Blessed Alvaro. At the end of the Mass, the faithful had the opportunity to venerate a relic of the first successor of Saint Josemaria.
At the beginning of the Mass, the Archbishop thanked Bishop Javier Echevarría for his visit to Moscow and also expressed his thanks for the efforts of the faithful of the Prelature in his diocese. "The apostolic work that the people of Opus Dei are carrying out in Moscow and Saint Petersburg," the Archbishop said, "is quite beautiful and constructive for the diocese."

Pro-life candidates take over US Senate

Pro-life candidates take over US Senate

ProLife candidates take over US Senate

In a landslide election that saw pro-life candidates winning across the nation, pro-life advocates have been able to take over the Senate from pro-abortion Democrats, led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Harry Reid’s days as the pro-abortion leader of the U.S. Senate are now numbered as pro-life candidates picked up enough seats to take over the Senate.

To continue reading, click HERE.

International Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Economics and Business – IESE Barcelona

International Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Economics and Business – IESE Barcelona, April 20-21, 2015


The 4th International Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Economics and Business, with the theme for 2015 of Christian Ethics and Spirituality in Leading Businesswill be held on the Barcelona campus of IESE, University of Navarra’s business school, on April 20-21, 2015. The 4th Colloquium is being convened by the Chair of Business Ethics of IESE, the Director of Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) Research Center of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, and the Dean of the School of Business & Economics of the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.

The various tracks to which you could send paper proposals are:

  1. Christian Vision of Business
  2. Christian Ethics in Managing People
  3. Christian Ethics in Corporate Governance
  4. Christian-Catholic Values and Principles in Organizations
  5. Christian Spirituality and Virtues in Leadership
  6. Influence of Christian Faith in entrepreneurship and management
  7. Ethical Issues in Business from a Christian Perspective
  8. Christian Work Ethics
  9. Christian Spirituality at the workplace 
  10. Christian Business Ethics vs Other Business Ethics Theories
  11. Christian Approaches on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
  12. Christian Ethics in Business Education
  13. Christian Spirituality and Organizational Behavior

For details, click HERE.

To submit your paper proposal, click HERE.


Follow the LinkedIn page of IESE Business School (University of Navarra) HERE.


Family Synod closes; Oct 22 Feast of St John Paul II

Synod closes; Oct 22 Feast of St John Paul II

The Third Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on marriage and family life concluded this weekend, with Pope Francis praising the two-week meeting for its “spirit of collegiality and of synodality” and participants agreeing to all but the most contentious issues in a final report.

At the end of the fifteenth and final general congregation, and after the votes had been cast, Pope Francis addressed the Synod Fathers, affirming that during these two weeks the participants in the Third Extraordinary General Assembly have truly experienced synodality, a path of solidarity, a “journey together”. However, Pope Francis observed, as in every journey there were moments of travelling smoothly and swiftly, as if wishing to conquer time and reach the goal as soon as possible, and moments of fatigue, of wanting to say “enough”, and at other times, moments of enthusiasm and ardour. There were moments of profound consolation listening to the testimony of true pastors, who wisely carry in their hearts the joys and pains of the faithful; moments of consolation, grace and comfort hearing the testimonies of the families who have participated in the Synod and have shared with us the beauty and joy of married life. It is a journey during which the stronger are compelled to help those who are less strong, and the more experienced lend themselves to serve others, also through debate.
  • For the Vatican’s provisional translation of Pope Francis’ speech at the end of the Synod, click HERE.

Since his Canonization last April 27, 2014, we celebrate for the first time St Pope John Paul II’s feast day today, October 22nd. Among other places/websites, EWTN is featuring several programs on John Paul II (e.g., those listed on the banner above).

John Paul II: We Love You! Juan Pablo Segundo: ¡te quiere todo el mundo!


Synod on the Family

Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, 5-19 October 2014, "The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization”

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops took place in the Vatican from 5-19 October 2014 on the theme: “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization”. The Pope participated in various sessions of the Synod sessions.

Pope Francis, on October 19th, celebrated the Closing Mass for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family. During the Mass in Saint Peter’s Square, the Holy Father beatified his predecessor, Pope Paul VI, whom he described as a “great Pope,” a “courageous Christian” and a “tireless apostle.”

“…May the Holy Spirit, who during these busy days has enabled us to work generously, in true freedom and humble creativity, continue to guide the journey which, in the Churches throughout the world, is bringing us to the Ordinary Synod of Bishops in October 2015.  We have sown and we continued to sow, patiently and perseveringly, in the certainty that it is the Lord who gives growth to what we have sown (cf. 1 Cor 3:6). On this day of the Beatification of Pope Paul VI, I think of the words with which he established the Synod of Bishops: “by carefully surveying the signs of the times, we are making every effort to adapt ways and methods… to the growing needs of our time and the changing conditions of society”, the Pope said in the Homily.

For details, click HERE.

Below are the links to the videos of:


Leonardo Polo Conference, IESE Madrid, Sept. 29, 2014

Leonardo Polo Institute Conference "Spirits in Time" 2014 and Journal of Polian Studies

The International Conference “Spirits in Time: Person, Action, and Culture in Leonardo Polo’s Ethics was held successfully last September 29, 2014 at the IESE Business School in Madrid.
You can find photos HERE.
The Abstracts of the papers presented can be found HERE.
It is hoped that all –or most– of the papers presented in that conference can get published in the maiden issue of the JOURNAL OF POLIAN STUDIES this November 2014.
The Journal of Polian Studies aims to be a tool of encouragement for scientific cooperation and communication between researchers and professors towards the major themes of anthropology, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge. The Journal of Polian Studies focuses on and takes inspiration from the deep, extensive, and original philosophical proposal of Leonardo Polo. Our principal aim is to publish articles that are models of interdisciplinary work and scientific accuracy allowing the readers to keep abreast of the central issues and problems of contemporary philosophy.
Check HERE for the Editorial Board and Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal.
My paper was on “The leader as friend: Implications of Leonardo Polo’s Friendship in Aristotle for humanistic corporate governance.” The original proposal can be found HERE.
I ask for prayers so that, with revisions/rework, it can find its way into the maiden issue of the Journal of Polian Studies.
For the original Spanish-language Journal Studia Poliana, click HERE.
For the online works related to the Spanish-language Leonardo Polo Institute of Philosophical Studies, click HERE.