Sunday, March 28, 2010

One Man, One Woman…For Life

The Ruth Institute

Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., is the founder and President of the Ruth Institute. Dr. Morse brings a unique voice to discussions of love, marriage, sexuality and the family. A committed career woman before having children, she earned a doctorate in economics, and spent fifteen years teaching at Yale University and George Mason University. In 1991, she and her husband adopted a two year old Romanian boy, and gave birth to a baby girl. She left her full-time university teaching post in 1996 to move with her family to California. She was a Research Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. Until August 2006, Dr. Morse and her husband were foster parents for San Diego County. In the summer of 2008, Dr. Morse founded the Ruth Institute, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to bringing hope and encouragement for life-long married love.

What I wish to highlight here are characteristics that I think set the Institute apart from other pro-family organizations that defend and promote marriage as a natural institution: its grounding in honest-to-goodness research as well as its special focus on young people, especially university students. For instance, recently some students’ essays at a Conference called “Stand For Family” have been awarded for being the best research outputs for topics ranging from Parenting and Marital Relationship Quality, to Family and the Natural Law, to the phenomenon of Same-Sex ‘Marriages’. The essays have been made available here.

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