Sunday, March 21, 2010

Father Luis de Moya

About Father Luis de Moya…and how to ‘friend’ him in Facebook

Father Luis de Moya suffered an automobile accident in 1991. His life was miraculously saved, but his spine was fractured and he lost all mobility and sensation below the neck. He had to learn to live with an almost unusable body, dependent on others for almost everything.

Nevertheless, despite his changed situation, he didn’t succumb to hopelessness, a culture to which a person in his state would’ve easily given in. He understood that, with God’s help, he could turn his life into a fundamental weapon for doing a great deal of good. From his wheelchair, he has given us a fantastic testimony of strength, of courage, of acceptance… But how does a person like him feel? He wrote about it in the book “Sobre la Marcha” (which I would translate freely as “About Moving On”), which came out in 1996, of which there have been 5 editions in Spanish, and one each in French, Portuguese, and Italian.


Those who are on Facebook and want to ‘friend’ him, click here:

:-) ;-)

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