Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dubai, UAE – Recollections

We are told on the Forum that the Regional Vicar of East Africa visited DUBAI last January and preached a Recollection on January 23, 2010 at the St. Francis Church, Jebel Ali, Dubai. For the women, in the morning; for the men in the afternoon. It is the same church where the first Mass of Our Father was held.

Here’s an account of that first Recollection:

“January 23, 2010 was an exciting day for all of us working here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. We had our recollection at St. Francis Church in Jebel Ali. This is the first recollection in the Middle East (GULF area). It is an answer to our prayers. Msgr. Albert, Regional Vicar of Opus Dei for East Africa flew all the way from KENYA. We followed the format of the recollections in our respective countries. Fr. Albert heard confessions, received our chats and did the meditations. I gave a talk on sanctification of work and my colleague William (also from Kenya) led the Rosary and led the examination of conscience. The recollection was also attended by cooperators and friends who are also living in Dubai. And there was even a guy who drove all the way from Abu Dhabi just to attend the activities. We believe that this is only the beginning and we hope to have more activities in the future. Thank you for all your prayers!”


We received information that Father Albert is coming to Dubai again for a Recollection on April 17th, to be held at St Francis Church like last time. Please disseminate this information to those who are in Dubai or those who have friends in Dubai. Keep the prayers coming!

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