Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Catholic Information Center

Catholic Information Center, Washington DC

One of the status messages on its Facebook page says “We have the closest Tabernacle to the White House” :-) Indeed this must be the case, looking at its location on the map above.

Located in the heart of downtown Washington D.C., the Chapel and the bookstore of the Catholic Information Center bring the sacraments and spiritual resources to those working in the Nation’s Capital. The Center offers weekday Mass and hosts an ongoing series of discussion groups, lectures, booksignings, and podcasts to educate and enrich those it serves.

The Catholic Information Center’s prominent location allows it to supplement and support the work of local parishes. It strives to promote the “new evangelization” called for by Pope John Paul II through its principal mission: to make the Catholic Church present and alive in the hearts of the men and women who work in the international, financial, and business center of the Nation’s Capital.


Fr. Panula, a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei and ordained in 1973, was appointed Director of the Catholic Information Center by His Excellency, Donald Wuerl, in September of 2007. He succeeds Fr. William H. Stetson, who had been director since 2004. The operation of the Center has been entrusted to priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei since 1993.

Recent events held at the CIC were:

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