Friday, June 4, 2010

Apologetics, Oskari Juurikkala

The Catholic Encyclopedia defines apologetics as “the comprehensive, scientific vindication of the grounds of Christian, Catholic belief, in which the calm, impersonal presentation of underlying principles is of paramount importance, the refutation of objections [which is specific to 'apologies'] being added by way of corollary”.

We share here with you the links to the websites of the more prominent Catholic apologists that we know:

*Please send in names or links which you think we ought to add here.

    An interesting aspect that these apologists have in common is their conversion to Catholicism. We invite you to read the conversion story of each of the above.


    A conversion story that we featured in the Opus Dei forum is that of Oskari Juurikkala, Finnish. Surely you’ve watched that video of a TV interview with him and his Mom...


    We actually got Oskari to leave us a personal message on the forum :-) He says: “The interview was quite a miracle in a number of ways, one being that it was a top show and the interviewer was courteous throughout – really interested in the truth. The original covered many other topics too, but we translated the part about my conversion and vocation…” Kindly read the entire forum thread.


    See also:

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