Friday, April 2, 2010

Recommended readings for issues relating to the Church and the Pope

Recommended readings for issues relating to the Church and the Pope

Father Raymond J. de Souzas article in response to the New York Times article: ”The story is false. It is unsupported by its own documentation. Indeed, it gives every indication of being part of a coordinated campaign against Pope Benedict, rather than responsible journalism. It’s possible that bad sources could still provide the truth. But compromised sources scream out for greater scrutiny. Instead of greater scrutiny of the original story, however, news editors the world over simply parroted the New York Times piece. Which leads to the more fundamental problem: The story is not true, according to its own documentation…”

Please click here for the full article.

The following articles are highly recommended:

It would likewise be good to review previous CERC articles that had already been written:

There have also been a number of sites put up, offering and asking for special prayers for the Pope and the Church. One of them is the Cardinal Newman Society. You may go to the Easter Prayer Campaign for Pope Benedict.

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