Friday, April 2, 2010

Harambee: And the winner is… Africa!

Harambee: And the winner is… Africa!

Harambee has established the “Communicating Africa” award, for documentaries and news reports that give a true picture of the African people, making known their real hopes and challenges.

UNIV participants letter of support to Pope

UNIV participants letter of support to Pope

4000 university students are in Rome for the UNIV conference to spend Holy Week close to the Holy Father and reflect on the urgent need to build a global culture based on Christian values.


March 31, 2010. University students from all over the world have given Benedict XVI a letter and their thanks on the fifth anniversary of his papacy.

Letter to the Pope by participants of the 43rd International University Congress UNIV, on the theme “Can Christianity Inspire a Global Culture?”

:-) ;-)

Recommended readings for issues relating to the Church and the Pope

Recommended readings for issues relating to the Church and the Pope

Father Raymond J. de Souzas article in response to the New York Times article: ”The story is false. It is unsupported by its own documentation. Indeed, it gives every indication of being part of a coordinated campaign against Pope Benedict, rather than responsible journalism. It’s possible that bad sources could still provide the truth. But compromised sources scream out for greater scrutiny. Instead of greater scrutiny of the original story, however, news editors the world over simply parroted the New York Times piece. Which leads to the more fundamental problem: The story is not true, according to its own documentation…”

Please click here for the full article.

The following articles are highly recommended:

It would likewise be good to review previous CERC articles that had already been written:

There have also been a number of sites put up, offering and asking for special prayers for the Pope and the Church. One of them is the Cardinal Newman Society. You may go to the Easter Prayer Campaign for Pope Benedict.

Great Videos by students from Lebanon and Spain!

Great Videos by students from Lebanon and Spain!

From Beirut, Lebanon:

Interview with Muslims: “What can you learn from Christians?”

From the ‘Colegio Mayor’ Mendaur, Spain:

A stop-motion video: “How well do you know Pope Benedict XVI?”

Video from Spain


You can find a testimony on UNIV here. Also, you may join “UNIV Forum” group in Facebook here.


Video “The Catholic Priest Today” by Midwest Theological Forum

“The Catholic Priest Today” by Midwest Theological Forum

On the website ‘The Catholic Priest Today’ you’d find the wonderful DVD “The Catholic Priest Today: A man of faith, a man of tradition, a man of God” produced by Midwest Theological Forum. It is designed to speak to all those who have an interest in the Catholic priesthood.

The Catholic Priest Today answers questions such as: Can a man in today’s world be a successful priest? What is a successful priest? What are the rewards of being a priest? What is the role of prayer in the life of a priest? Who is available to help priests with their needs? The documentary also includes commentary from Francis Cardinal George of Chicago, scripture scholar and best selling author Scott Hahn, and a number of other priests and lay people.

You can watch the video in either WMP format or QuickTime format, here.

Heshan Residence - Taiwan

Heshan Residence - Taiwan

This is the blog of Heshan Residence in Taiwan.

Of the 2008 residents, the blog says: “This year, most of the residents are new. The old ones have moved on. Some are now doing their military service, a few are training to be judges, and some are preparing to study abroad.”

2008 Christmas celebration: “Over twenty family members of residents and some former residents came to join us in this year’s Christmas celebration.”

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